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  2. Play Ducktales Remastered online, free Game
  3. Play Ducktales Remastered online, free Games

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DuckTales Remastered

That is why the game has an easy mode for those who just want to go through it again, spending few free time. DuckTales: Remastered is the return of the world-famous ducks, but this time for the Android, which is literally steeped with nostalgia! Watch full episodes of DuckTales online. Get behind-the-scenes and extras all on Disney XD. Play online nintendo games directly in your browser. No more emulator or roms to download. You are playing DuckTales. One of the most cherished 8-bit titles of all time returns with the mobile release of DuckTales: Remastered!Join Scrooge McDuck in an epic adventure across the world to discover the five Legendary Treasures! Embark on a journey to the Himalayas, Amazon, Transylvania, African mines, and Moon using Scrooge's secret map.

Release: 13/08/2013
Publisher: Capcom
Developer: WayForward


8.0 - Gameplay
9.0 - Video
9.5 - Audio


0Based on
0 ratings

DuckTales Remastered Review – Introduction

Like many that grew up during the 8-bit generation, I have an intrinsic love for Capcom’s DuckTales for the NES. I found its music, visuals and level design to be among the best during that time, and I revisit it occasionally. Despite my skills at deftly pogo-jumping my way to victory being rusty, I still believe it’s a classic, and I was more than just a little thrilled when Capcom and developer WayForward announced an updated version. While some of the redesign decisions are questionable, DuckTales: Remastered (DT:R) is a faithful and solid modernization.

Life is Like a Hurricane

Other than being based on a popular TV show, DuckTales is beloved by many for its wonderful soundtrack, simple mechanics and imaginative areas. All of these components are present with DT:R as well. Everything from Scrooge’s patented cane bounce to stages ranging from the Amazon to the Moon are present, and the score has been given a fantastic remix. They could have kept the Moon theme the same, though – as old as it is, it’s still haunting.

A faithful and solid modernization

To go along with the music, the graphics have also been given a makeover. Using a mix of 2D and 3D, the animated visuals are very Disney and recreate the original cartoon splendidly. The design has been altered a bit too, and the boss battles are a lot more involved, but the levels stay true to their predecessor and now contain more excuses to explore, like finding pages to a spell in Transylvania or engine parts in the Himalayas.

The challenge is still here, which should please fans. However, there are now heart containers available to collect, and a few of the more tricky jumps and obstacles have been removed. I didn’t mind this at all, and frankly I found the changes made the stages a little more logical and a little less frustrating.

Another upgrade is added context. Unlike the 1989 release, DT:R has a full story, which was one of the big new concepts the publisher and WayForward have been promoting. It’s basically what one would expect out of a DuckTales episode: The Beagle Boys try to steal a painting from Scrooge McDuck but are thwarted, the painting is revealed to contain a secret code detailing locations of priceless artifacts and Scrooge and the rest of the gang head out to find them.

D-D-Danger Lurks Behind You

I’m not sure DuckTales actually needed a story to be better, but it makes sense in this day and age of cinematic gaming that the developers thought it would be a great idea. Their masterstroke was getting many of the voice actors from the series to bring all the characters back to life, and it mostly works. However, the cutscenes are disruptive and don’t exactly add much to the plot, though Launchpad’s antics while Scrooge searches for coins in the Amazon can be pretty funny.

The changes made the stages a little more logical and a little less frustrating

A better approach would have been to either bookend every level with a cinematic or make skipping them quicker. If the gameplay wasn’t so hectic I wouldn’t have minded the intrusions as much, but I often found it to be a buzzkill when I was on a roll cane-jumping on enemies, climbing vines and skirting by spike traps only to have the action pause and break my rhythm while Scrooge muttered some trivia about a relic he just discovered.

Fortunately, these troublesome dialogue breaks were at least mildly entertaining, and the only huge problem I have with the game. There are other quibbles, though, like the lack of new content. The few additions included, like being able to swim in the Money Bin and a bonus tutorial stage, are decent but they don’t really add depth and are merely a nice touch. The lone exception here is the new last mission zone, Mt. Vesuvius, which I thought was a better approach to ending the game, even with the final showdown being more unfair this time around.


Indeed, DuckTales: Remastered is the original with a new coat of paint and copy-and-paste gameplay. This isn’t an awful thing by any means, and the tweaks they made are welcome. It isn’t going to prove to be as inspirational as the NES version, but it’s a sweet piece of nostalgia bait that will hopefully pave the way for more modern takes on other Capcom Disney platformers.


  • Same gameplay that made the original great
  • Fantastic music
  • Great animation


  • Most of the new content is trivial
  • Cutscenes disturb the gameplay

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NES gamepad:

Gamepad control:
Player 1: Player 2:
SELECT Shift -
START Enter -

Emulator selection:

The following emulators are a­vai­lab­le for this game: NeptunJS (Ja­va­Script), Nesbox (Flash), Ret­ro­Games (JS) and vNES (Java).

Other platforms:

This game can be played also in a version for Ga­me Boy. We are wor­king on the others.

Play Ducktales Remastered online, free Game

Game info:

box cover
Game title:Disney’s DuckTales
Console: Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
Author (released):Capcom (1989)
Genre:Action, PlatformMode:Single-player
Design:Yoshinori Takenaka, Nobuyuki Matsushima, Tokuro Fujiwara, Keiji Inafune, Naoya Tomita, Hironori Matsumara, Miki Kijima
Music:Hiroshige Tonomura
Game manual:manual.pdf

File size:

19079 kB
Download: not available (stream only)

Game size:

128 kB
Recommended emulator:FCEUX
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

DuckTales is an action platformer video game developed by Capcom and based on the Disney animated TV series of the same name. It was first released in North America for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1989 and was later ported to the Game Boy in 1990. The story involves Scrooge McDuck traveling across the globe collecting treasure and outwitting his rival Flintheart Glomgold to become the world's richest duck.
Produced by key personnel from the Mega Man series, DuckTales would go on to sell over a million copies worldwide on each system, becoming Capcom's best-selling title for both platforms. The game was praised for its tight control, unique and non-linear gameplay and bright presentation, and is often regarded as one of the best titles for the NES, appearing on numerous 'Best of' lists.
DuckTales was followed by a sequel, DuckTales 2, in 1993. A Remastered version of DuckTales developed by WayForward Technologies, featuring high resolution graphics and the original voice cast from the show, was released in 2013 for PC, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U.
The game sees players in the role of Scrooge McDuck as he travels across the world in search of five treasures to further increase his fortune. Scrooge is able to attack enemies and get around using his cane. On the ground, Scrooge can swing his cane to attack enemies and break open or throw certain objects. While jumping, Scrooge can bounce on his cane like a pogo stick to attack enemies from above. This also allows him to reach higher areas, as well as bounce across hazardous areas that would hurt him on foot. Along the way, Scrooge can find various diamonds, found in treasure chests or appearing in certain areas, to increase his fortune and ice cream that can restore his health. Scrooge will also encounter various characters from the series who have various roles, such as providing hints, offering up items and opening up new areas.
Five levels are available in DuckTales: African Mines, The Amazon, The Himalayas, Transylvania and The Moon. The player can visit the levels in any order and can revisit them in order to access new areas unlocked after collecting certain items. Each level culminates in a boss battle that the player must defeat to retrieve that level's treasure. There are also two secret treasures hidden within some of the levels. When all five main treasures are collected, the player returns to Transylvania for the final boss fight. Upon completing the game, the player can receive one of three endings based on his performance: a regular ending for simply clearing the game, a great ending for clearing the game with both hidden treasures and at least $10,000,000, and a bad ending for clearing the game with $0.

More details about this game can be found on Wikipedia.org.

For fans and collectors:
Find this game on video server YouTube.com or Vimeo.com.
Buy original game or NES console on Amazon.com or eBay.com.

Find digital download of this game on GOGorSteam.

Videogame Console:

This ver­sion of Disney’s DuckTales was de­sig­ned for the Nin­ten­do En­ter­tai­nment Sys­tem (NES), which was an eight-bit vi­deo ga­me con­so­le ma­nu­fac­tu­red by Nin­ten­do in the years 1983 - 2003. In that time, it was the best-sel­ling vi­deo ga­me con­so­le for which mo­re than 700 li­cen­sed ga­mes and a num­ber of non-li­cen­sed ga­mes we­re cre­a­ted. World­wi­de, ap­pro­xi­ma­te­ly 62 mil­lion units of this con­so­le we­re sold at ap­pro­xi­ma­te­ly pri­ce $ 100 per unit. Mo­re in­for­ma­ti­on about the NES con­so­le can be found here.

Recommended Game Controllers:

You can control this game easily by using the keyboard of your PC (see the table next to the game). However, for maximum gaming enjoyment, we strongly recommend using a USB gamepad that you simply plug into the USB port of your computer. If you do not have a gamepad, you can buy one of these NES controllers:

Available online emulators:

6 different online emulators are available for Disney’s DuckTales. These emulators differ not only in the technology they use to emulate old games, but also in support of various game controllers, multiplayer mode, mobile phone touchscreen, emulation speed, absence or presence of embedded ads and in many other parameters. For maximum gaming enjoyment, it's important to choose the right emulator, because on each PC and in different Internet browsers, the individual emulators behave differently. The basic features of each emulator available for this game Disney’s DuckTales are summarized in the following table:

EmulatorTechnologyMultiplayerUSB gamepadTouchscreenWithout ads

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Play Ducktales Remastered online, free Games